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DATA : 19/02/2021
HORA: 10:00
LOCAL: Faculdade de Fármacia

Evaluation of Baseline Levels of Butyrylcholinesterase in a Sample of the Population of Salvador and the Epidemiological Profile of Exposures to Pesticides in Bahia (2017 to 2019)


butyrylcholinesterase; cholinesterase; organophosphates; intoxication; pesticides

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Biológicas
ÁREA: Farmacologia
SUBÁREA: Toxicologia

INTRODUCTION: Exogenous intoxications are an important worldwide public health problem, with significant challenges for managers in this area, with pesticides as one of the main causal agents. Knowledge of the epidemiological profile of this disease in the state of Bahia is an important tool for decision making by public health agencies, therefore, information systems need to have quality and reliable data. In the field of laboratory diagnosis, Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) is a relevant biological indicator in the diagnosis and monitoring of these intoxications. OBJECTIVES: The present study aims to investigate the baseline values of BChE activity in a sample of the population of Salvador, taking into account the factors that may interfere with enzyme activity, and to characterize the profile of cases of exposure to pesticides in the state of Bahia in the period from 2017 to 2019, identifying the frequency of intoxications involving cholinesterase inhibiting substances. METHODS: The present study consists of two stages. The first consists of a descriptive, quantitative study, with a transversal approach. The sample consisted of blood donor volunteers in the state's blood center. The second step is a descriptive observational cross-sectional study, considering the aggregate of data related to exogenous intoxications registered in Bahia in the period from 2017 to 2019, using secondary data and a quantitative approach. RESULTS: The present study validated the methodology used by the Toxicological Analysis Laboratory (Labtox) of the Bahia Toxicological Information and Assistance Center (CIATox-BA), in addition to making it possible to know the baseline levels of butyrylcholinesterase in a sample of the population of Salvador, which has shown activity between 6,000 to 20,500 U / L, with a lower average in females. The values obtained for males were 9,300 U / L to 18,400 U / L and 8,200 U / L to 18,800 U / L for females. Regarding epidemiological data, this study made it possible to identify the occurrence of inconsistencies and incompleteness in both information systems, in addition to indicating an underreporting in Sinan of 46.7%, despite the compulsory notification of the disease studied. There were 2,853 pesticide poisonings, 51.0% of which were male and 48.7% female. The occurrences predominated in homes (59.7%) and suicide attempt was the main circumstance (48.4%). The lethality found was 2.4%, being higher in males. The most frequent active ingredients were cholinesterase inhibiting insecticides. CONCLUSION: The results obtained here make it clear that, despite underreporting, pesticide poisoning is not limited to rural areas, crops, men or adults, requiring broader action by public authorities, also evidencing the need to better qualify the information systems feed. In addition, the high frequency of cholinesterase inhibitors signals that BChE still has its important role as a biological indicator in exposure to pesticides, regardless of the exposure environment.

Presidente - 2055299 - ANA LEONOR PARDO CAMPOS GODOY
Interno(a) - 183.851.845-20 - MARILDA DE SOUZA GONCALVES - UNICAMP
Externo(a) à Instituição - CLAUDIA REGINA DOS SANTOS - UFSC
Notícia cadastrada em: 15/02/2021 16:11
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