Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 11/03/2021
HORA: 09:00

Critical Physical Geography as a pedagogical strategy for school inclusion



Teaching Geography, Education for Equity, School Geography and Neuroscience

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Geografia

School Geography often presents a dichotomy between Physical and Human Geography, lacking contemporary themes focused on inclusion and diversity. We consider school inclusion more than deficiencies. We include aspects that are often reasons for segregation and reproduction of prejudices in the classroom, such as socioeconomic, cultural, ethnic, racial, gender, sexual and religious orientation. Although there is legislation to regulate these themes' insertion, the initial teacher education still lacks theoretical debate and practical application; such a situation could be the social imposition of the normality and absence of debates about these themes. Thus, our goal is to understand how inclusion and diversity appear in Geography's initial formation, scientific production, and teaching practice in School Geography. To understand the initial teacher formation in Geography in Bahia, we started by analyzing the undergraduate course structure, considering the current legislation about inclusion and diversity. We analyzed the publications about inclusion and diversity in School Geography in scientific journals dedicated to Geography and Teaching to observe the scientific production. The teaching practice started from the Critical Physical Geography (GFC) approach as pedagogical possibilities to overcome the dichotomy in Geography with the development of didactic resources related to the students' context, considering their cultural, social, and possible specificities. Therefore, starting from the Salvador reality (Bahia), which has almost half of the population living in areas at risk of landslides or floods, we chose the concept of "risk" as the central theme. The undergraduate course structures in Bahia are insufficient to teaching about diversity and inclusion. The specific academic publications about these themes have little expressivity when compared to other thematic. There is a propensity to choose some disability and specific Geography areas when researching these subjects. Besides, the School Geography teaching is dichotomic and disconnected from the student's reality. The GFC works how a strategy for the re-signification of pedagogical choices capable of promoting diversity, recognizing, and valuing the specificities of each school context, as well as the origins of its students, enabling the development of the subject's autonomy and critical perspective of the student with the space in which he finds himself. In this sense, the GFC approach helps create an integration of physical and human aspects in Geography and understand students' realities, empowering them. Finally, we realize that an integrated and inclusive approach must occur in teacher praxis, in primary and higher education, to a more equitable society. Geography's role must assume due to its position of science that studies space and the relationships that develop in it.

Interno(a) - 1491759 - GRACE BUNGENSTAB ALVES
Externo(a) à Instituição - NÚBIA BERAY ARMOND - UFRJ
Externo(a) à Instituição - ROSEMY DA SILVA NASCIMENTO
Notícia cadastrada em: 13/05/2021 17:42
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