Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 13/10/2020
HORA: 10:00


 Emotional, ethical and cognitive aspects in electrochemistry learning: a Vygotskian approach. 



 chemistry teaching, socio-emotional skills, cultural historical pedagogy

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Psicologia
SUBÁREA: Psicologia do Ensino e da Aprendizagem
ESPECIALIDADE: Ensino e Aprendizagem na Sala de Aula


 This research is characterized as a qualitative research, having as theoretical reference the historical cultural theory of Vygotsky. It aims to investigate and discuss how elements of ethical, emotional and cognitive development can contribute to the mediation between spontaneous and scientific knowledge in chemistry classes. The interest in this research arose from observations made during the course of graduation, about teaching, specifically Chemistry, which allowed us to observe problems such as: limited learning at low cognitive levels, teaching directed exclusively at the teacher, preponderantly expositive classes. In the bibliographical research, it was possible to perceive that there are few works that refers to the elements of ethical, emotional and cognitive development in the teaching of chemistry. According to Vygotsky, the student develops better activities when done in contribution with another person (teacher, classmates) than when performed alone, thus, the role of the mediating teacher in the classroom is of great importance for the development of skills as abstract, isolate elements, and examine the abstract elements separately from the concrete experience of which they are part. Thus, emotions directly implicate the learning-teaching process in the quality of attention, memorization and motivation of students in the classroom. In order to reach the objective, a qualitative empirical research will be carried out based on a teaching sequence that promotes a dialogue between the content addressed and the experience of the students of the second year of high school, with ages ranging from 15 to 17 years old from the city of Itabaiana - Sergipe. All classes will be recorded and analyzed to identify how students behave before the didactic sequence and to notice aspects such as rejection or acceptance of it. After the application of the whole sequence the students will be invited to participate in a semistructured interview, it is intended to identify the indicators of development indicators from the students' speech. To analyze the data obtained in the application of the didactic sequence, the Content Analysis based on Bardin will be used. It is hoped that this study will contribute to a teaching of chemistry that enjoys the elements of ethical, emotional and cognitive development as well as considering spontaneous knowledge for the formation of scientific knowledge to occur.

Presidente - 1082451 - WALDOMIRO JOSE DA SILVA FILHO
Interno - 3012853 - LUCA TATEO
Externo à Instituição - João Roberto Ratis Tenório da Silva
Notícia cadastrada em: 02/10/2020 16:50
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