Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 25/10/2019
HORA: 15:00
LOCAL: Sala 105 do PAF 1 - UFBA

Sailing vessels in marine conservation: An investigation into the perception of stakeholders


eco-efficiency, education, environmental management, marine conservation, sailing vessels, scientific research

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Biológicas
ÁREA: Ecologia

Marine conservation is an urgent issue worldwide. Habitat degradation was never so concerning, complex, and widespread. Marine ecosystems are not only inherently valuable by themselves, but they also provide a range of ecosystem services through food, jobs, climate regulation and recreation. Noise pollution and anthropogenic carbon dioxide and nitrogen emissions are two of the biggest threats to the ocean nowadays. Traditionally, wind power has enabled man to travel the seas, but in recent years, fossil fuels have taken over. The use of sailing vessels can be an alternative, clean solution to motorized vessels due to their low sound levels and lack of fossil fuel consumption. Sailing vessels have been used to collect scientific data, to raise awareness, for education, and for recreation, but little is known about how the people involved think about sailing vessels and the potential role in marine conservation. I performed a qualitative study using naturalistic, semi-structured interviews about the use of sailing vessels as a marine conservation tool. This study presents a description and evaluation of interviews with 54 people, involved directly with marine conservation as researchers (14), sailors (10), motor sailors (10), environmental managers (10) and tourists (10). We used statements from these stakeholders to construct an experience-based picture of the advantages and disadvantages of using sailing vessels in marine conservation. The data obtained through interviews were processed in IRAMUTEQ software and analyzed by the word cloud. Participant statements (n=306) were identified and grouped into five categories: ECO-EFFICIENCY (n=39 people/n=119 statements), SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (n=35 people/n=81 statements), EDUCATION (n=29 people/n=55 statements), LOGISTICS (n=23 people/n=28 statements) and DISADVANTAGES (n=13 people/n=23 statements). I found that the more experienced a sailor, the broader his or her perception of how sailing vessels can be useful to marine conservation. Although the majority of the stakeholders reported that using sailing vessels for scientific research, education and logistics enhances marine conservation, they rarely use them for their own environmental activities. Issues and disadvantages are also reported and discussed. Based on the overall perspective of the group of experienced people interviewed here, we believe sailing vessels warrant an upgrade in status in terms of an eco-efficient tool for research and education in the context of marine conservation. We, therefore, encourage scientists, environmental managers, educational institutions, and tourist agencies to think ecologically and economically and to exploit the wind to keep the oceans quiet and clean. 

Presidente - 019.826.689-89 - MARCOS ROBERTO ROSSI DOS SANTOS - UFRN
Interno - 1090422 - CHARBEL NINO EL HANI
Externo à Instituição - ARTUR ANDRIOLO - UFJF
Notícia cadastrada em: 18/10/2019 09:52
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