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DATA : 23/03/2021
HORA: 09:00

“Teacher, what are these lines in the blackboard?”: historical-critical principles for teaching structural representations of organic compounds.


Chemical language. Teaching of representations. Organic structures. Historicalcritical didactics.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Ensino-Aprendizagem

Research in teaching chemistry points to the difficulty of students in understanding phenomena of reality that belongs to the field of this science. One of the aspects raised in this problem goes through the obstacle of the apprehension of chemical language. Within this spectrum, it was found that in the field of organic chemistry, teaching based mainly on the memorization of formulas, on the operationalization of naming molecules, on the lack of relationship between social practice and scientific theories and on the organic chemistry theories unlinked with the other fields of chemistry may be some of the decisive factors in students' low understanding of phenomena. In view of that, this work aims to systematize didactic principles to guide the pedagogical work of teachers, when they are going to teach about the structural representations of organic compounds. It is a theoretical research grounded philosophically in Dialectical & Historical Materialism, in addition to taking Cultural-historical Psychology as a basis, in psychological terms of human development, and Historical-critical Pedagogy, in terms of theoretical-pedagogical aspects. Didactic principles are propositions that enable the (re)organization and orientation of the teacher's work in the classroom. In that understanding, then, that from the analysis of the historical dynamics of the elaboration of structural representations, pointing out the historical needs, and from the theoretical foundations adopted, proposals can be formulated of what is essential for a teaching committed to the true development of the individual in the maximum possibilities that the real conditions provide. In this way, three didactic principles were formulated. The first concerns the teaching of the structural representation of organic compounds as a unit between the macroscopic and submicroscopic levels of reality and chemical knowledge. In this perspective, the representations are configured as a sign and have, among others, the mediating role of understanding the phenomenon when synthesizing the two levels in a unit. The second proposes that teachers structure the teaching of representations based on historical needs. In other words, it puts the reason why humanity mobilized to create these signs that enabled the understanding of reality. This path shows the student a science that develops from contradictions, clashes of ideas, problems and needs that real human beings encountered in their social practice. The third principle launches as preposition that structural representations should be taught in their multiplicity and with conscious transitions. In this sense, it is evident that different representations were necessary for the same chemical entity, when there was a need to understand new phenomena and a single type of representation was not able to explain them. In other words, depending on the need to understand the phenomenon, different modes of representations are used. These principles, for its part, are not a recipe for “what to do” in the classroom, since in each specific teaching situation, real conditions must be taken into account, however they can serve as guidelines in pedagogical work

Interno(a) - 2895880 - HELIO DA SILVA MESSEDER NETO
Interno(a) - 071.811.595-34 - JOSE LUIS DE PAULA BARROS SILVA - UFBA
Externo(a) à Instituição - LUCIANA MASSI - UNESP
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/03/2021 17:45
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