Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 03/02/2021
HORA: 10:00

Science Teaching, disagreements and Intellectual Autonomy


Autonomy. Disagreements. Science Teaching. Philosophy of Chemistry.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Fundamentos da Educação
ESPECIALIDADE: Filosofia da Educação

This work has as central objective to present the discussion around the problem of the objective of science teaching in the light of an epistemological approach, in order to verify how this debate reverberated in the teaching of chemistry. Faced with this discussion, where different theses are defended, I argue in favor of the thesis that considers that one of the objectives of science teaching is the formation of a critical citizen with intellectual autonomy. A critical subject is considered to be one who seeks to discuss the reasons involved in a dispute by submitting them to the sieve of reason. Here, critical-reflexive action is essential for the formation of a responsible epistemic agent. And, in this sense, responsibility implies autonomy. In this work, autonomy is understood as a virtue or a quality. When I consider that a student (as an epistemic agent) has a virtue, I mean that he has a disposition to be motivated in a certain way and to act in a certain way in relevant circumstances, and, moreover, he is successful in reaching the end of his virtuous motive. To illustrate the idea of autonomy, a central theme of chemistry teaching was used as an example: the "disagreement" on the concept of molecular structure. The problem of disagreement is presented as a central theme in the scope of Social Epistemology. It should be emphasized that I will not seek to formulate a single characterization of "epistemology" or "social". My intention is to consider that epistemology involves the evaluation from an epistemic perspective of various "decisions" or "choices" by epistemic agents, or, in the case of the systemic approach, the evaluation of alternative social systems from an epistemic approach. For this purpose, a scenario in which reflection is important and has epistemic value was proposed: the ontological status of the molecular structure - reducible or non-reducible to quantum theory? Faced with the views of the authors, it was verified that some adopt the reductionist perspective which defends the reconstruction of the concept within the quantum structure of atoms in molecules. Others, while recognizing the conceptual discontinuity between quantum mechanics and molecular chemistry, keep alive the hope of reduction. From an explicitly non-reductionist position, authors conceive the molecular structure as an emerging phenomenon. In this scenario, reflection was understood as a performance, an activity from which the student examines the reasons, the evidence, the content involved, the reliability of their own beliefs and, in the face of the proposed disagreement, decides what is epistemically reliable to believe or not. It is worth considering, that this is a normative perspective. Such a perspective refers to prescriptive reasons, that is, they suggest something about what could or should be. It is a theoretical-reflexive research, for its value and normativeness, based on the analysis and review of literature. The whole argumentative path of this thesis sought to explore reasons so that the objective of science teaching contemplates something like autonomy, which does not necessarily involve a change of belief, but an attitude or investigative activity of the agent.

Presidente - 1082451 - WALDOMIRO JOSE DA SILVA FILHO
Interno - 089.007.068-70 - OSVALDO FROTA PESSOA JUNIOR - USP
Externo ao Programa - 809.725.355-00 - FELIPE ROCHA LIMA SANTOS - UFBA
Externo à Instituição - MARTIN GABRIEL LABARCA - UBA
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/01/2021 17:42
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