Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 15/12/2020
HORA: 14:00

Epigenetic inheritance of obesity: promoting critical scientific literacy through a social scientific questions


epigenetics; educational design research; critical scientific literacy; Science-Technology-Society-Environment; socio-scientific issues; transgenerational epigenetic inheritance; obesity.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação

Due to its explanatory power in relation to genetic and environmental factors for the development and transmission of biological traits, epigenetics brings new elements that problematize genetic determinism and the concept of biological inheritance. For these reasons, considering the field of epigenetics is essential for understanding various biological phenomena, such as the development of certain types of diseases. However, epigenetics can be used to assist the development of public policies, aiming at more effective and inclusive solutions, but it can also support arguments aimed at altering, marginalizing and blaming individuals. Therefore, the field of epigenetics has been considered a basic competence for citizen education, since their knowledge can assist in decision making. Within a perspective of critical formation of students, we consider an education for critical scientific literacy important, capable of forming socially and environmentally responsible citizens who actively participate in the socio-political sphere. To achieve this goal, the use of socioscientific issues (SSI) in teaching has a pedagogical potential to mobilize values and interests in Science, Technology, Society and Environment (STSE) relationships. Among the possible relevant themes related to epigenetics, the presente thesis uses the case of the “epigenetic inheritance of obesity”. Epigenetic inheritance has been considered crucial to understand the increase in obesity worldwide. However, its potential is ambivalent: on one hand, its understanding can lead to the development of public policies for interventions for the prevention and treatment of obesity; on the other, it can generate stigmatization and overload on individual responsibility. The present thesis aimed to investigate what characteristics a didactic sequence (DS) on epigenetic inheritance must have to promote the overcoming of a genecentric vision and critical scientific literacy in the context of Biology teacher education. It was used the theoretical-methodological framework of educational design research, which consists of a systematic study of the planning, development and evaluation of pedagogical interventions. The preliminary phase was carried out through review of literature and dialogue with teaching experiential knowledge for the construction of a conceptual structure and development of design principles, which guided the development of an DS prototype. The prototyping phase was carried out a peer validation of the educational intervention through a questionnaire sent to researchers and teachers of the study area, and a validation of the design principles from the application of the DS. After the suggestions and criticisms from the peer validation, it was refined the learning objectives, the cases and the DS structure. The results from the validation in the classroom indicated the satisfactory reach of all design principles, except the fifth principle, related to the mobilization of sociopolitical actions. The DS has shown promise in using epigenetics to promote a critical understanding of inheritance and development of characteristics in organisms; and the use of cases to discuss the proposed SSI in order for students to position themselves in relation to the issues, recognizing STSE relations and the promotion of values linked to socio-environmental justice. This research covered a first cycle to improve the intervention and design principles, aiming at iterating in future studies.

Presidente - 567.815.045-68 - CLAUDIA DE ALENCAR SERRA E SEPULVEDA - UEFS
Interno - 963.380.080-34 - ANA PAULA MIRANDA GUIMARÃES - IFBA
Externo à Instituição - DANUSA MUNFORD - UFABC
Externo à Instituição - DIOGO MEYER - USP
Notícia cadastrada em: 09/12/2020 17:56
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