Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 06/10/2020
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Faculdade de Educação da UFBA

In the underground of history: institucionalization of psychology in Bahia, in the context of the military dictatorship (1968-1980)


History of psychology - History of psychoanalysis – History of behavioral psychology - Military dictatorship - Student movement

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: História
SUBÁREA: História das Ciências

The research aims to describe and analyze the institutionalization process of Psychology in Bahia, in the context of the military dictatorship, between the years 1968 to 1980. It was considered: the influence that the authoritarian context and the State policies for the areas of education and science exercised on the formation and consolidation of the undergraduate course in psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the Federal University of Bahia; the reception and appropriation of Behavior Analysis and Psychoanalysis by the academic community, in that political context; and, the struggles and mobilization of students and teachers in the face of State policies. It is a descriptive-analytical study, which has as theoretical references the Social History of Sciences and the History of Psychology. Methodological procedures of the History of the Present Time are adopted, using techniques of Oral History and Document Analysis to survey and analyze data. The documentary corpus included: Minutes, programs and course plans; newspapers, newsletters, student pamphlets and newsletters about the Student Movement; police inquiries; military government propaganda, counter-propaganda and “psychological warfare” leaflets; letters, reports and information exchanged between the Special Security and Information Advisory and the rectory and other organs of the military regime's surveillance and repression system. In addition to the documentary sources, the interviews with psychologists who participated in the psychology course at UFBA, such as students or teachers, were analyzed. The results indicated that the measures adopted by the military regime had an impact on the institutionalization and development of psychology, as a disciplinary and professional field in Bahia. The educational policies implemented by the military government within the scope of Education produced effects on the demand for educational psychology, while the interest in the industrial area grew from public investments that expanded the industrial and technological pole in Bahia. There was a prevalence of the clinic, as an internship area, to the detriment of the educational and industrial area. The strong influence of the psychiatric field on the direction of psychology was demonstrated, in several areas, including training. The social and political conditions that made possible the emergence of the psychoanalytic culture in Bahia and its influence on the training of psychologists were evident, from the arrival of Argentine psychoanalysts, led by Emílio Rodrigué, and the psychoanalyst Carlos Pinto Corrêa, member of the Brazilian Circle of Psychoanalysis of Minas Gerais. The role of psychologists who train behavior analysis at the University of São Paulo in the implementation of the Experimental Psychology laboratory and in the training of the first generations of teachers and behavior analysts in Bahia was highlighted. Furthermore, it was observed that there was a systematic vigilance and tutelage on the academic psychology community, which impacted university life and demanded resistance from students in the area to deal with political tension and coping skills in the fight against the military dictatorship. This scenario forged a political and socially expanded position among the members of the student movement, at that time of intense restriction and shortages of all kinds.

Presidente - 645.031.008-15 - AMILCAR BAIARDI - UFRB
Interno - 306961 - LUIZ CARLOS SOARES
Externo ao Programa - 1171174 - LUCILEIDE COSTA CARDOSO
Externo à Instituição - 2. ANA MARIA JACÓ-VILELA - UERJ
Externo à Instituição - ALEX VIEIRA DOS SANTOS - UNIFACS
Externo à Instituição - NADIA MARIA DOURADO ROCHA
Notícia cadastrada em: 25/09/2020 17:51
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