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DATA : 03/12/2019
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Universidade Federal da Bahia, Faculdade de Educação

19th Century Science and early 20th Century on the demarcation of the Bahian territory during the period of the First Republic


Bahia; Territory; Science; Nation; Science History

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: História
SUBÁREA: História das Ciências

At various times in the history of Brazil, its vast territory has become a reference and foundation in the process of construction and consolidation of the Nation. For the articulators of the nation project the lack of a "heroic" historical tradition and the presence of a population that was still enslaved and miscegenated led nineteenth-century men to shape the nature and grandeur of the territory as the foundation of Brazilian nationalism. For this “new” country in formation science was substantial. That is, in keeping with the worldwide movement for the valorization of science and the instrumental rationality that would shape modernization, the intellectuals who thought of Brazil in the aforementioned and early twentieth centuries also associated science with modernity and progress. For them, only through scientific knowledge and activities would the long-awaited Western “civilization” be achieved and a place for Brazil in the capitalist world. In a related way, the territory of Bahia also played an important role in the constitution of its state, in the construction of Bahian regionalism and in the insertion of Bahia in the national republican project. Thus, in light of the Territory - Science - Nation relationship, this thesis analyzes the role of nineteenth and early twentieth century science in the demarcation of the Bahian territory, as well as the scientific knowledge in vogue during this period were incorporated into the actions of the members of the state. Geographic and Historical Institute of Bahia (IGHB) and in the publications of the Magazine of that same association, respectively, one of the main scientific institution of that state in that period and the most relevant means of dissemination of scientific productions of that time. In this same vein, we reflect on how Bahia was trying to fit into the Brazilian republican project while seeking to overcome an economic crisis, enhance its regionalism and regain its prominent position on the national scene. For this, we built our investigative analysis aligning the process of demarcation of the Bahian territory with the historiography of science and with Brazilian research that investigates the construction of national science. The constitution of the data was accomplished through the analysis of the IGHB Journal and studies of documents and maps of the territory of Bahia deposited in the main collections of the states of Bahia and Rio de Janeiro. The results produced through this investigation allowed us to conclude that IGHB has become a place capable of thinking about the state and the most fundamental issues of Bahia and has become a significant space for scientific production. The studies and scientific activities carried out by the intellectuals of this institution and by the Brazilian intellectuals involved in the articulation of Bahia, despite being in tune with the ideas and standards of European science, focused notably on the national scientific production, prioritizing the themes related to needs of Bahia. In this segment, these intellectuals have done significant work on the culture of our people, and especially on our nature and history. Thus, they contributed to the economic, political and social development of Bahia and to the constitution of actions and elements that adjusted this state to the national project. With regard specifically to the demarcation of the Bahian territory, IGHB associates were the main ones involved in the process of shaping the territorial contour of Bahia; in the study, compilation of sources and documents that authenticated the rights of this state over its lands. At the same time, they were essential collaborators in the construction of the cartographic materials of the territory of Bahia and were the fundamental authors of the works and articles about this theme. In general, the science produced in IGHB together with the Brazilian scientific production was predominant in the knowledge of the nature, description and demarcation of the territory of Bahia; in the production of systematic studies on the fauna, flora and social life of our people; prospecting cartographic data and producing records of great historical and scientific value.

Externo à Instituição - BRUNO CAPILÉ
Interno - 306961 - LUIZ CARLOS SOARES
Presidente - 834.495.587-49 - MOEMA DE REZENDE VERGARA - PUC - RJ
Interno - 285676 - OLIVAL FREIRE JUNIOR
Externo à Instituição - RILDO DUARTE - IFMG
Notícia cadastrada em: 02/10/2019 11:59
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