Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 25/08/2023
TIME: 10:30
LOCAL: Faculdade de TITLE:

Contribution to the study of the potential of the Ntxuva game in the teaching of mathematics: a proposal for the enrichment of the local curriculum at the secondary level of SNE in Mozambique.


Maths teaching. Anthropological theory of the didactic. Didactic decoloniality. Circulation of praxeologies between institutions.

PAGES: 426
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Ensino-Aprendizagem
SPECIALTY: Teorias da Instrução

Teaching practice in several countries has been dominated by the pedagogy of the visit to the works, in which knowledge is placed to students in a single and linear way, without being questioned from reality. In addition to not favouring a liberating and problematising teaching practice, this pedagogy places (mathematical) educators in a position of epistemological dependence, by naturalising the epistemologies of modern Eurocentric-colonial thinking in the production of academic knowledge. This dependence, which is the result of cultural domination, is a consequence of the economic, political and social domination of some cultures that consider themselves hegemonic in relation to others, which is configured in (epistemological) coloniality. The present thesis, which bears the title "contribution to the study of the potential of the Ntxuva game in the teaching of mathematics", is presented as a research proposal that aims to contribute to the deconstruction of this universal idea of science, proposing to discuss possibilities for the construction of academic knowledge through the integration of (dominated) cultural practices of native peoples into teaching (mathematics). This discussion, which is part of the field of (didactic) decoloniality, finds in the TAD essential theoretical elements to, firstly, problematise and investigate how coloniality is established in the (mathematics) curriculum, secondly, to discuss the possibilities of circulation of praxeologies between sociocultural institutions of native peoples and the (mathematics) teaching institution. To this end, the research focuses on two fundamental objectives, "OBG1 - To analyse the contributions and show the potential of TAD in the analysis of the maintenance and questioning of dominant epistemologies in teaching and, of the circulation of praxeologies between institutions producing counter-hegemonic knowledge and the institution of mathematics teaching and OBG2 - To design a didactic reference model that integrates the Ntxuva game into mathematics teaching". This dialogue between TAD and decoloniality feeds into the thesis the idea of "didactic decoloniality" as a political-epistemic position that allows the researcher in didactics to assume the commitment to alterity, as a starting point for emancipation and to think about the process of dissemination and access to knowledge from the other. The research is developed through the methodology of didactic engineering and as research subjects it counts on elders with whom we aim to investigate the Ntxuva from their sociocultural context and students to whom we implement didactic experimentation. The results of the research indicate that TAD is a potential theory for studying the problems raised in the field of decoloniality. That the maintenance of coloniality in the societies of formerly colonised countries is due to the fact that it is intended to achieve the Western model of life, with its values based on growth, consumption of material goods, industrial development, etc. That the official documents of the SNE in Mozambique guide the integration of local knowledge in teaching, but the methodological proposals presented in the mathematics teaching programmes do not present concrete proposals for the integration of local knowledge. That the Ntxuva game adds several mathematical potentialities in the field of basic arithmetic and algebra. The didactic experimentation made it possible to prove the thesis that praxeologies originating from sociocultural practices of native peoples can be exported to access academic knowledge. Thus, from the praxeologies of the Ntxuva game system, it was possible to bring out and access knowledge related to counting, addition, subtraction, numerical succession, Euclidean division, equation system, above all, to empower students in capacities of formulation or mathematical modelling of a real problem. Although the didactic organisation has proved to be good, we note that it will require adjustments, especially in tasks 1 and 2. Future work can be developed using other socio-cultural contexts to prove the functioning of the praxeology circulation model between institutions proposed in the thesis, but also, a study that integrates teacher training should be considered so that teachers can be empowered in strategies for integrating local knowledge into teaching, while becoming aware of the importance of guiding a liberating and problematising teaching practice based on the students' reality.

Presidente - 2138504 - LUIZ MARCIO SANTOS FARIAS
Interno - ***.724.428-** - SADDO AG ALMOULOUD - PUC - SP
Externo à Instituição - AVENILDE ROMO VÁZQUEZ
Externo à Instituição - DANIEL NIVAGARA
Externo à Instituição - KABENGELE MUNANGA - USP
Externa à Instituição - MARIANNA BOSCH
Externa à Instituição - CORINE CASTELA - UR
Externo à Instituição - PIERRE JOB
Notícia cadastrada em: 28/07/2023 13:20
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