Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 27/10/2022
TIME: 08:00
LOCAL: Plataforma RNP:

Contributions of the organism’s theories for high school biology curriculum


didactical transposition, biology teaching, organization.

PAGES: 126
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Ensino-Aprendizagem
SPECIALTY: Métodos e Técnicas de Ensino

The aim of this thesis is deriving implications from theories of organism to high school Biology curriculum. It is a multipaper work composed by two papers. The first one, whose title is “How to treat the organism in high school Biology: implications for curriculum”, is part of an bigger effort to establish criteria for selection of conceptual contents for Biology curriculum. In this paper, we show how current curricula give organisms a fragmentary approach, emphasizing the diferences among phylogenetic groups and listing a big number of very specific concepts. We argue that, if we want a interdisciplinar Biology teaching that does not reduces it to Chemistry and
Physics and allows students tow understand organisms as integrated wholes, as well as what they all have in common, we should tap into the theories of organisms for resources to reformulate curricula. We then analyse the general theory of organism proposed by Zamer and Scheiner and the theory proposed by the ORGANISM group, identifying the structuring concepts of the theories. Based on them, we propose four learning aims that can be the foundation for a partial organization of Biology curriculum around the concept of organism. The second paper, titled “The Theory of Autonomy and the conceptual discontinuity between systems and lineages: a first approach”, is an original contribution to the Theory of Autonomy (part of the effort of the ORGANISM group) inthe context of philosophy of Biology. We analysed some aspects of the theory in light of the conceptual discontinuity between system Biology and lineage Biology set by Caponi. We show how the discontinuity poses problems to the concept of variation adopted by the theory and how the unified treatment of cross-generation and intra-generation functions means considering functions (and, in extension, constraints) as classes. In this second matter, the ontological status of organization as a causal regimen non-reducible to the parts of the system would be questioned. Being this paper a work in philosophy of Biology, its contribution to Biology teaching is collateral by contributing to turn the Theory of Autonomy more robust and by making some of its foundations and concepts more clear, what contributes to its didatic transposition.

Interno - 1090422 - CHARBEL NINO EL HANI
Externo ao Programa - 3161885 - CLAUDIO RICARDO MARTINS DOS REIS - UFBAExterna à Instituição - DALIA MELISSA CONRADO - UFGD
Externa à Instituição - DANIELA LOPES SCARPA - USP
Interno - ***.222.586-** - GUSTAVO RODRIGUES ROCHA - UEFS
Presidente - ***.185.465-** - NEI DE FREITAS NUNES NETO - UFGD
Notícia cadastrada em: 26/10/2022 16:19
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