Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 27/05/2019
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Ims-ufba

Identification, Characterization of Resistance and Pathogenicity of Enterococcus spp. in donor samples from the Human Milk Bank of the Esau Matos Hospital in Vitória da Conquista (BA).


Keywords: Human milk. Enterococcus spp. Virulence.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Biológicas
ÁREA: Microbiologia
SUBÁREA: Microbiologia Aplicada
ESPECIALIDADE: Microbiologia Médica

Human milk (LH) is the primary food source for newborns (RNs) and infants. Often RNs in the hospital need nutritional support from a Human Milk Bank (BLH). Considering the rich nutrient composition of LH, milked human milk (LHO) can become an excellent culture medium for the development of various microorganisms. At BLH, the donated LHO needs to undergo strict microbiological quality control to be made available. The possible causes of increase of the amount of microorganisms in the human milk can be related to the inadequate techniques of collection, with conditions of hygiene of the donor and the used utensils and with the form of conservation of the food.Among the microorganisms associated with important infections of RNs, which may be contaminants samples of LHO, are the species belonging to the genus Enterococcus that can come from the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract and skin from healthy donors. These species may be pathogenic for newborns with immunological vulnerability and therefore need to be effectively inactivated by the pasteurization process performed at the BLH. Given the importance of Enterococcus spp. in human pathologies, especially in neonates, the study was identified and characterized the resistance and pathogenicity of these microorganisms in the breast milk of the Hospital of Esau Matos de Vitória da Conquista, associating hygienic-sanitary conditions of the donors with an aim to draw up alternatives that prevent diffusion in a hospital environment. Samples were collected from the nipple-areolar region and donor hands, using single sterile swab, and aliquots and raw milk and pasteurized milk. Isolates of Enterococcus spp. were identified through microbiological cultivation techniques and antibiogram (according to recommendations recommended by CLSI 2017) in a conventional way, together with the use of the chromogenic medium Chromagar Orientation (BD ™ CHROMagar ™ Orientation). Subsequently, molecular biology tests were performed to confirm resistance. Specimens of Enterococcus spp. were identified in 30% of the donors, obtaining a total of 11 isolates. Of these, 63.6% were from swab samples and 36.4% from LHC. Samples of pasteurized human milk did not detect Enterococcus spp. Regarding the antimicrobial susceptibility test, the isolates were sensitive to Ampicillin, Linezolid and Vancomycin. Resistance profile against Penicillin, Norfloxacin and Nitrofurantoin was observed in 18% of the isolates, separately, 9% resistance to Ciprofloxacin and 63% to Tetracycline. The virulence factors were identified in 63% of the isolates for the efaA gene (Antigen A) and 27% presented genotype for the ace gene (Collagen Adesin). The present study presented the responsibility of the microbiological control by the Human Milk Bank and the need to outline alternatives to prevent the arrival of species of Enterococcus spp. in the hospital environment (dispersion of community pathogens in the hospital environment, and the reverse), possibly as causes of important neonatal infections that increase hospitalization time and, consequently, health care costs.

Interno - 1561874 - LUCAS MIRANDA MARQUES
Externo ao Programa - 3224857 - CLAUDIO LIMA SOUZA
Externo ao Programa - 2764971 - MILENA SOARES DOS SANTOS
Notícia cadastrada em: 27/05/2019 11:07
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