Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 29/05/2023
TIME: 08:00
LOCAL: online

Let me say: the education of the deaf in face-to-face and online contexts


Deaf Education; Teaching modalities; Portuguese Language Learning.

PAGES: 131
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Lingüística
SUBÁREA: Lingüística Aplicada

In this work, still under development, I aim to find out how deaf people, participants in the research, evaluate their learning of the Portuguese language (written) in face-to-face and online education contexts, in order to understand the strategies that contribute and the variables that hinder such learning. The methodological route that guides this investment is based on a Case Study (ANDRÉ, 2005), qualitatively based (FLICK, 2002; MINAYO, 2012) and netnographically inspired (KOZINETS, 2014; NOVELI, 2010; SOARES; STENGEL, 2021). The investigative process is inscribed in Decolonial Studies (SANTOS, 2019), in Applied Linguistics (ASSUNÇÃO; SANTOS, 2021; MOITA-LOPES, 2006, 2013; KLEIMAN, 2004), in New Literacy Studies (KLEIMAN, 1995; KLEIMAN; DE GRANDE, 2015; STREET, 2014) and Multiliteracies (GNL, 1996), which foster discussions about social practices and the subjects who practice them. Concepts related to deaf identity and culture (SILVA, 2000; SÁ, 2010; STROBEL, 2009; STUMPF, 2009) were essential for discussing the literacies of deaf people (LACERDA, 1998; LODI et al, 2002; RANGEL, 2012) in formal educational settings. As extracts from the corpus, the answers to questions from “interviews” (COELHO, 2005) carried out with four deaf participants and other data from observations (MAGNANI, 2009) and a field diary (WEBER, 2009) were chosen. Aiming to follow the premises of netnographic research, WhatsApp was elected the virtual space as the “locus-object” of/for research, since, in addition to the field of data production, the relationship between the participants and the application was observed. The utterances of the participants are in the signification phase and, for that, I use Dialogic Discourse Analysis of Bakhtinian orientation and the Bakhtin Circle (1979; 1997; 2008), taking the notions of utterance and dialogism as the main analytical sources. The results, although partial, indicate that the participants evaluate face-to-face teaching as the modality that tends to better contemplate their specificities because, despite the limitations, they offer strategies that favor the learning of PL, such as, for example, the presence of the interpreter in the classroom. Online teaching, on the other hand, according to the participants, contributes little to learning Portuguese (written).

Presidente - 1551106 - SIMONE BUENO BORGES DA SILVA
Externa à Instituição - SUELI SALES FIDALGO - UNIFESP
Externa à Instituição - ANA CLÁUDIA BALIEIRO LODI
Notícia cadastrada em: 26/05/2023 13:13
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