Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 28/03/2022
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: videoconferência na plataforma RNP (sala PEI-UFBA)

Assessment of the city of Salvador's resilience strategy (2018 - 2021). 2022.


Urban Resilience; Urban Shocks and Stresses, Strategy Formation and Implementation; Urban Planning; Salvador-Bahia-Brazil.

PAGES: 171
BIG AREA: Engenharias
AREA: Engenharia de Produção

The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the process surrounding the design and implementation of the city of Salvador's resilience strategy (2018 - 2021). To reach this objective, the methodology chosen was a case study, which involved triangulating data collected from official and non-official documents, interviews, informal conversations, meetings, and participant observation. Results, which are presented in the form of five articles integrated with the specific objectives, revealed that the process to develop Salvador’s resilience strategy was consonant with the various shocks and stresses that have been felt by city and have been marked by poverty and inequality, unemployment, crimes and violence, irregular land use and occupation, lack of urban mobility, lack of access to adequate education, landslides, disease outbreaks, floods, lack of basic services, and a large contingent of the population living in vulnerable conditions which risks becoming worse with the effects of climate change. Results revealed that all of the 138 actions proposed in Salvador's resilience strategy are linked to at least one of the shocks and stresses identified for the city, i.e., there were no actions detected that are not linked to the city’s urban shocks and stresses. To deal with these shocks and stresses, and increase urban resilience, it was found that Salvador has prioritized strategic actions linked to the “social” and “urban planning” sectors. Although the strategy has already proposed 138 actions, according to our specific objectives we identified opportunities to develop new actions to contribute toward improving urban resilience in Salvador, such as: ensuring basic needs and essential services; supporting livelihoods and employment; ensuring social stability, safety and justice; and promoting leadership and effective management. With respect to implementing the 138 strategic actions proposed by the Salvador Resiliente (Resilient Salvador) plan, as of July 2021 only 11 actions had been completed, 76 had yet to be started, and 51 were in progress. Of the 31 short-term actions, only 7 had been completed. Thus, in order to “leap forward”, new and comprehensive strategic actions in favor of resilience are needed, as well as a reduction of delays when it comes to implementing short-term actions and building integrated governance to implement actions linked to shocks and/or stresses that stretch beyond the responsibility of the municipal sphere. Therefore, it is hoped that the experience relayed in this thesis can serve to inspire other cities beginning to incorporate the topic of urban resilience into public policy agendas to not only
incorporate risk/disaster prevention and infrastructure plans, but rather all “social” and “urban planning” aspects, i.e., fundamental sectors when it comes to building urban resilience strategies. It should be noted that, in spite of the limitations imposed by both the COVID-19 pandemic and a change in municipal government in early 2021, it is believed that this thesis may contribute to filling research gaps in the academic literature, suggesting future research, and to supporting the formulation of local public policies.

Externa à Instituição - ADRIANA CAMPELO SANTANA
Externa ao Programa - 3084178 - ANDREA CARDOSO VENTURA
Presidente - 2182318 - JOSE CELIO SILVEIRA ANDRADE
Externo à Instituição - Lira Luz Benites-Lazaro
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/03/2022 09:37
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