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DATA : 06/07/2021
HORA: 14:30
LOCAL: Webconferência
Relation between the performance of Accounting Science students in ENADE and teaching modality: a multilevel analysis.


expansion of higher education; distance learning; educational assessment; hierarchical linear method.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Administração
SUBÁREA: Ciências Contábeis

Among the main changes that higher education has undergone in the past two decades is the expansion of access, classified as democratization (BARROS, 2015). According to the Human Capital Theory (HCT) (SCHULTZ, 1973a, 1973b), greater access to qualification, in the form of more years of study, contributes substantially to the economic development of a country, as growth and productivity in strategic areas are directly related to the nation's education. In Brazil, this expansion took place through government programs, with emphasis on REUNI, instituted in 2007, through Decree No. 6,096 / 07, which expanded the structure of public educational institutions, with the creation of federal universities in localities further away from large centers. In addition, access to education was made possible through policies of tax incentives and the offer of Distance Education. This modality, according to Sousa and Maciel (2016), was the main responsible for the growth of higher education in the last twenty years, with 2005 being the most representative year. In addition to this expansion is the concern to guarantee the quality levels of higher education, within the criteria established by MEC. For this, the teaching evaluation system counts, among other instruments, with ENADE, a mandatory evaluation to which students of the courses are submitted, every three years; and the Accounting course was evaluated in the years 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2018. Despite not being a recent modality, Distance Education is still viewed with suspicion by the academic community (FRANCO, 2014). Therefore, based on this scenario, this study aimed to identify the effect of the teaching modality on the performance of Accounting students, in the 2012, 2015 and 2018 editions of ENADE. In addition to HCT, as an underlying theory, the fundamentals the Theory of the Educational Production Functions supported the methodology and discussions. The ENADE microdata was the main source of information for the study and the Hierarchical Linear Method was used for hypothesis testing. The results indicated that it is not possible to make inferences about the effect of the modality in isolation, but that it presents significance when interacted with the characteristics: age, course shift, ethnicity and average income of the institution. Furthermore, the findings revealed that there is a difference in the relationship between modality and performance, between institutions. Thus, this research covers gaps found in the investigations on teaching modality and academic performance in Accounting Sciences, when studying this relationship from the perspective of Educational Production Functions, through multilevel modeling, which makes it possible to analyze the individual and contextual levels. Thus, the study contributes to a detailed understanding of the various factors that comprise the distance learning system, such as the influence of the institution's infrastructure and the impacts that socioeconomic characteristics have on academic performance. With the impact caused by the world pandemic of Covid-19, the findings presented here can contribute to the development and management of educational public policies, in addition to having the potential to subsidize the actions of pedagogical planning and management of higher education.

Externa à Instituição - EDVALDA ARAÚJO LEAL - UFU
Externo à Instituição - LUIZ PAULO LOPES FÁVERO
Presidente - 2140457 - ANTONIO GUALBERTO PEREIRA
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/06/2021 07:53
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