Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 26/10/2020
HORA: 13:30

Women in Politics in Inner Cities of Bahia: a study in the city of Condeúba 


Women; Politics; Inner cities of Bahia; Political Representation; Condeúba.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Ciência Política
SUBÁREA: Estado e Governo

This dissertation analyzes central elements linked to the representation of women in local politics in the city of Condeúba / BA, based on bibliographic research and semi-structured interviews. Municipal politics is generally the gateway to public life, and particularly, it proves to be the most accessible way for women to enter politics. However, female under-representation persists at the municipal, state, and federal levels in Brazil. Laws of affirmative actions for the insertion of women in politics, such as the policy of quotas in parties for legislative positions, emerged in the 1990s. Recently, Superior Courts decided, after consultation by the female parliamentarian, to provide legal guarantees in the distribution of campaign resources to candidates, in order to make the electoral dispute as equal as possible, with regards to gender. Despite these actions, there are still many challenges in what concerns the presence of women in spaces of formal power. In my research, I sought to identify, through interviews, how women participate in politics in this Condeúba. In the case of a small municipality in the interior of Bahia, what is equal or different from a larger city, or the state, when it comes to the reasons that lead women to engage in politics, run as candidates, be elected, and remain in public life? The literature points out that financial resources are important to favor success in the electoral dispute, which harms women who are the ones who manage to raise fewer resources. But would the dynamic be the same in a municipality with less than 25 thousand inhabitants? I followed an investigation line to understand and problematize issues like these. Finally, I concluded that many of the problems and challenges that women face in public life at the state and federal levels, and also, at the municipal level of larger urban centers, are also faced by women in Condeúba - with particularities arising from a small municipality with an extensive rural area. The stereotypes that still exist about women, the low level of funding, the resistance of political parties, the difficult political engagement of women due to their socialization, the ineffectiveness of the quota policy, and so on, present themselves as major challenges for overcoming the sub-representation of women in politics and the achievement of gender parity in Condeúba, as well as in Bahia and Brazil.

Interno - 2033520 - SALETE MARIA DA SILVA
Interno - 1896461 - TERESA SACCHET
Externo à Instituição - DANIELA LEANDRO REZENDE - UFV
Notícia cadastrada em: 19/10/2020 14:44
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