Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 28/11/2019
HORA: 09:00

The trajectories and experiences the militanyism the Trady Union of Hydro and Termoeletric Power Insdustry workers of the state of Bahia- Sinergia, in Salvador, Bahia, between the 70s and 90s.


Union activism; Intersectionality/Consubstantiality; gender, race/ ethnicity and social class relationships.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Ciência Política
SUBÁREA: Comportamento Político
ESPECIALIDADE: Classes Sociais e Grupos de Interesse

This thesis proposes, as a central prism, to trace and discuss not only the trajectories and experiences - in the field of gender and trade unionism - of trade union activists, articulated to the intersections between the dimensions of gender, race/ethnicity and social class in a feminist perspective, but also the unfurling around the militantism, in view of the reality of the Trade Union of Hydro and Thermoelectric Power Industry Workers of the State of Bahia - (Sindicato dos Trabalhadores das Indústrias de Energia Hidro e Termo-Elétrica do Estado da Bahia – SINERGIA), in Salvador, Bahia, between the 70s and 90s. The attempt was to trace the profile of men and women according to the diversity of trajectories and experiences as trade union's leaders and delegates, and grassroots activists, based on political awakening and forms of trade union membership. Brazilian unionism in the twentieth century, at the beginning of industrialization, with the emergence of the embryo of the new working class, was marked by achievements and throwbacks, struggles and resistance of workers in confronting the entrepreneurs and dictatorial and populist governments. The trade union movement between the 70's and 90’s - the focus of this study, known as authentic, renewed, combative, proved to be dynamic, resistant and more organizational due to the scope of its struggles and conquests as a result of facts and events: confrontation with the military regime, the outpouring of mass strikes, the realization of rural unionism, the creation of the trade union centrals, the emergence of trade union oppositions, the contestation of privatization and neoliberal governments, collective layoffs and the flexibilization of collective labor contracts. A qualitative methodology was chosen, for being considered closer to the multidimensional dimensions of social life, in the Brazilian case, as a mirror of a society originated from colonialism that remains in the structures of postcolonial racism. The path chosen from the “point of view” of intersectionalities/ consubstantialities points the trail to be followed. Bibliographic, documentary and field research was performed. It is followed by the description of my personal, professional and trade union trajectory as a situated subject. Nineteen interviews were conducted at SINERGIA, with 13 women and 6 men, based in narratives that were developed from an initial question and other central questions about their personal, professional and union trajectory. As pontual illustrations, 8 interviews about union activism were conducted with trade union activists, men and women from the French Confederations CFDT and UFEQT/CGT. The interviews were recorded and transcribed for later data analysis. This analysis included the WEBQDA software, as well as horizontal and vertical readings of the narratives, in order to obtain differences and similarities in the trajectories, which were reconstructed in biographical profiles to give uniqueness and visibility to the subjects and their experiences. The research design led to the sexual conception of work, under the aegis of the social division of labor, based on gender hierarchies, which generate subordination and oppression of social subjects, depending on gender, race/ethnicity and social class, in addition to the generation, position and location of men and women in the labor market, including union social relations. In a second moment, I bring advances and achievements, having the emancipation of women as a perspective of exit from the oppression of gender, race/ethnicity and class.

Presidente - 287756 - LINA MARIA BRANDAO DE ARAS
Interno - 002.354.075-34 - ALDA BRITTO DA MOTTA - UFBA
Interno - 109.902.755-15 - ANGELA MARIA FREIRE DE LIMA E SOUZA - UFBA
Externo ao Programa - 1884160 - SAMIRA SAFADI BASTOS
Externo ao Programa - 2201820 - CLOVES LUIZ PEREIRA OLIVEIRA
Notícia cadastrada em: 25/11/2019 10:16
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