Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 16/12/2022
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Interdisciplinares em Mulheres, Gênero e Feminismo. FFCH

Social Assistants on the front line in war: working conditions and mental health in a time of the Covid-19 pandemic. 2022


Keywords: Gender. Social Worker. Covid-19 pandemic. Work conditions. Mental health.Interseccionality.

PAGES: 135
AREA: Multidisciplinar

The Covid-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus or Novel Coronavirus, which broke out in March 2020, revealed an epidemiological crisis on a global scale, with strong social, economic, political, cultural and historical impacts, unprecedented, in the history of public health and epidemic control actions in several countries. The millions of infections and deaths have impacted health systems, revealing the most vulnerable groups in society. Mental health problems due to stress arising from fear of the risk of illness, death, confinement, shortage of medicines, food and job loss affected the general population.In Brazil, the pandemic reconfigured work practices in the health care universe, as well as social dynamics in the family, work, leisure and activism in civil society, without, frequently, breaking with the structures that influence gender relations. The health crisis in the health system required the mobilization and recruitment of thousands of professionals to act in the fight against the advance of the New Coronavirus and its harmful effects. Social workers are at the forefront of this task force. This research sought to analyze the changes in the working conditions of women social workers in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impacts on their health. Inserted in the field of political-feminist theory of studies on ethics of care (Carol Gilligan, Danielle Kergoat, Helena Hirata), this research investigated how social workers dealt with the challenges to perform their functions in the pandemic scenario in the state of Bahia, among the years 2020 and 2021. In the light of the Theory of Care, the dissertation reflects on the factors that contribute to the unfeasibility and/or devaluation of social workers within the scope of labor market activities in the state of Bahia and the impacts of the pandemic on the health of these professionals. A qualitative research methodology was applied, to carry out in-depth and semi-structured online interviews with 55 social workers in total, combined with documentary research. The results showed that working conditions and emerging challenges in the Covid-19 pandemic aggravated problems that already existed in the pre-pandemic period, causing physical and mental exhaustion in professionals.It was also found that variables such as gender and race shape work relationships and act to devaluation of Social Work in Bahia, which is a predominantly female category, composed of black women who work in the sphere of care with low pay, precarious work relationships and devaluation of their professional practices. The dissertation calls for the need for further deepening of feminist studies within Social Work as a tool for transforming relationships in the socio-occupational spaces of the profession.

Interna - 1857342 - MARCIA SANTANA TAVARES
Externa ao Programa - 1805362 - MARIA SALETE SOUZA DE AMORIM - UFBA
Notícia cadastrada em: 14/12/2022 08:11
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