Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 18/01/2021
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Remoto

The GovTech ecosystem and the development of digital democracy initiatives: a case study of the Brasil Sem Corona Movement. 


GovTechs, Brasil Sem Corona, Plataforma digital, Democracia

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Comunicação

The dissertation investigates the GovTech ecosystem in the country, the development models and the forms of financing. The main objective is to map the phenomenon's characteristics, legal, protection and technologies. To this end, a survey of national GovTechs was carried out during the period from 22 november 2019 to 20 april 2020. For a closer analysis, the work focuses on a case study of the Movimento Brasil Sem Corona platform, an initiative of GovTech Colab. The dissertation argues for the importance of public policies to strengthen the GovTech ecosystem, for the importance of a more systematic understanding of the process of developing digital digital democracy initiatives and, in relation to the case study, problematizes the possibilities of using data from Brasil Sem Corona for organizing the response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The collected data form the following sources: a) survey of national GovTechs declared by BrazilLAB; b) official documents obtained by the Brasil Sem Corona initiative; c) analysis of the Brasil Sem Corona platform interface; e d) database with information regarding the options offered to citizens and the results obtained after the participatory process; e e) semi-structured interview with the Colab operations coordinator and developer of Brasil Sem Corona. Then, we focused on the reaction analysis of users from Brasil Sem Corona on the Colab platform on the Google Play Store with the aid of Appbot data analysis tool from 20 March 2020 to 2 November 2020. The results show that GovTechs emerge as a means to keep abreast of public management and solve public problems, acting under the failure of governments, and the solutions put forward can improve the decision-making capacity of local governments and their municipal managers, regardless of size and region of the municipality. The platform logic of Brasil Sem Corona reconfigures the practices and conditions for participation in various ways while opening up new possibilities for political communication. Citizens' participation in the initiative as agents in decisions about public actions during the Covid-19 pandemic contributed to the response effort, especially for health policies developed by public administration.

Externo(a) à Instituição - RODRIGO CARREIRO DA SILVA
Presidente - 022.012.875-89 - SAMUEL BARROS - UFBA
Interno(a) - 287712 - WILSON DA SILVA GOMES
Notícia cadastrada em: 12/01/2021 10:06
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