Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 27/04/2021
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Remoto via RNP

 What is essential is invisible to the eye: the students’ conception of Ludic Didactic Mediation in Higher Education. 


Keywords: Ludicity. Didactic. Ludic Didactic Mediation. Meaningful Learning. Potentially Ludic-Pedagogic Activities.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Ensino-Aprendizagem
ESPECIALIDADE: Métodos e Técnicas de Ensino



The student’s conception about Ludicity in the Ludic Didactic Mediation and its implications in the learning process in Higher Education is the “thesis statement of this thesis” and by derivation enabled literature development about Potentially Ludic-Pedagogic Activities (APLPs). The conception is a notion that one has about something, it doesn’t involve value judgment. The Ludicity is a subjective phenomenon, autotelic, ontological, internal, animus concerned, relational, of positive emotions and entirety. The Didactic Mediation is the external process of planned intermediation, intentional, critical and reflexive made by the teacher between the study subject and the student. So, the Ludic Didactic Mediation (LDM) is the teaching action that synthetizes didactic and ludicity, by doing an intentional social praxis, with contextual practice application, collaborative, emancipative, critical and respectful, full of teaching knowledges, rigorous methodologically, compromised with the learning phenomenon, materialized by integrative activities and potentially ludic balancing affection and cognition. There are lot of scientific productions about children’s ludic teaching, but researches applied to the higher education are depleted. This study’s main aim is to analyze comprehensively the interactions between ludicity, ludic didactic mediation and learning in the higher education, through the student’s conceptions. By revealing the student’s conception about ludicity in the classes, making explicit the students’ comprehension  about (ludic) didactic mediation in classes, it is aimed to raise how the students recognize their learnings in ludic context and discuss the relation(s) between potentially ludic-pedagogical activities  and the learning according to the students; it may foment scientific foundation to the teachers that search for a resignification to their teaching praxis, so it can be more meaningful through the university environment. After ethical approval, the qualitative methodological approach supported this investigation made by an instrumental unique case study and analyzed by content analysis with thematic categories. The data came from a mixed electronic questionnaire and a focus group half structured. The empirical field was the Accounting Course of the Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia and the research collaborators were the students coursing from the fifth up to tenth academic semester in 2018. It was realized two paradigms in the comprehension of Ludicity: The Total Ludic and the Real Ludic. It was found in the locus these ludicity’s conceptions: Utilitarian (with didactic or business bias), Subjectivist (with didactic dimension), Entertainment, Infantile and Mixed. The conceptions of Didactic Mediation were divided into: Traditional-Behavioral and Cognitive-Constructivist. The students related problems in procedures (didactic and pedagogical) and in teaching attitudes, furthermore the exhortations about technical-professional, pedagogical-didactic and sensitive teaching knowledges; which indicates their massively request for LDM in Higher Education, because they recognize its positive and decisive contribution to their meaningful learning, and also its epiphenomena inputs as interaction and affectivity. Favorable reasonings to APLPs were predominant. It was concluded that the LDM exercises and valorizes the didactic and the ludicity in higher level. It is expected that the investigative results contribute to the scientific systematization about ludicity and didactic in Higher Education increasing the knowledge in Educations, Pedagogy and Accounting.




Interno(a) - 2228252 - GIOVANA CRISTINA ZEN
Interno(a) - 005.335.185-12 - LUCIA GRACIA FERREIRA TRINDADE - UFRB
Externo(a) à Instituição - ANA CRISTINA CASTRO LAGO - UNEB
Externo(a) à Instituição - BERNADETE DE SOUZA PORTO - UFC
Externo(a) à Instituição - DÍDIMA MARIA DE MELLO ANDRADE - UNEB
Notícia cadastrada em: 17/03/2021 14:07
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