Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 22/02/2021
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Remoto, via RNP

INTERSTICIAL LIFE SCRIPTURE: teaching compositions in narratives of teacher training


Keywords: Post-Critical Studies; Scriptures of life; (Auto)biographical narratives; Teacher formation; Science and Biology Teaching.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Tópicos Específicos de Educação

The present investigation/formulation is inserted in the field of research of (auto)biographical narratives on the development of a Sciences/Biology teacher. It is based on educational post-critical theories and the studies of Michel Foucault. Its main question is: Which subjectivation approaches helped me turn into a Biology/Sciences teacher? And, from this question, I aimed to problematize subjectivation approaches that constituted me as a teacher. In order to achieve this goal, I sought to reframe the (auto)biographical narratives in the light of the post-critical perspective, understanding that life is constituted from what is said about it, and understanding narratives as products of numerous discourses. Once I understood that working with (auto)biographical narratives implies operating words, I tried to exercise a way of writing about life that was consistent with my own theoretical and political views. Thus, I invested in a fragmented and intertextual narrative with literary characteristics, aiming to break away from a unitary linguistic form. I called this way of writing about life an interstitial life scripture. Discourses/practices emerged from the problematized narratives that competed for my formation as a teacher, such as disciplinary discourses, cultural discourses, discourses on technical rationalism and critical rationalism, constructivist discourse, religious discourses, scientific discourses, etc. In addition to the discourses that contributed to build my identity as a teacher, I became what I am today through the work done on myself, through technologies of the self. I elaborated and shaped my life through aesthetic experiences with artistic-cultural artifacts, as well as through my relationship with knowledge and studies. Concomitantly, I elaborated the act of learning, molding it to fit my experiences, turning into a form of self-identification. I conclude that such research findings were formative because they allowed me to signify the ways in which I came to be who I am: a subject resulting from multiple formative processes, that were contingent, conflicting and disharmonious. Exercising an interstitial life script allowed me to elaborate my life as an interstitial life: a life that manufactures its power from a deterritorialized space, a life that, when writing about itself, seeks to transmute knowledge into art.

Presidente - 630.606.043-04 - MARLECIO MAKNAMARA DA SILVA CUNHA - UFAL
Interno(a) - 2564667 - GISELLY LIMA DE MORAES
Externo(a) à Instituição - CONSTANTIN XYPAS
Externo(a) à Instituição - ROSEMEIRE REIS DA SILVA - UFAL
Notícia cadastrada em: 10/02/2021 13:16
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