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DATA : 04/02/2021
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Remoto - Google meet


The use of technological resources by deaf teachers in the teaching of the Brazilian Sign Language in Higher Education.



Technological resource; Brazilian Sign Language; Deaf; Higher education

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Tópicos Específicos de Educação
ESPECIALIDADE: Educação Especial


The use of technological resources in the teaching of Libras brings pedagogical advances for teachers, stimulating them in the teaching process, since it allows greater interaction of the content taught. This research has as object of study the analysis of the influence of digital technologies in the teaching process of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), from the perspective of deaf teachers, at the Federal University of Recôncavo of Bahia (UFRB). This investigation was carried out with the deaf teachers (users of Libras) at UFRB, in the Teaching Centers in the cities: Cachoeira and Amargosa-Bahia. The qualitative methodological choice defines the case study, using the semi-structured interview as a research tool. In order to meet the standards of ethics in research with human beings, this study was submitted and approved by the Ethics Committee of UFRB and UFBA. The theoretical basis that supports the present investigation is based on legal provisions: Brasil (2002; 2005); Institutional Documents: Sectorial management report (PROGRAD / UFRB 2015; 2018); Institutional Development Plan (PDI / UFRB / 2019-2030); among others; and in authors such as: Stumpf; Galvão Filho; Galvão Filho and Miranda; Pimentel; Corrêa and Cruz; Vygotsky; Wertsch; Souza; Reis, Corrêa and Ferreira; Bonfim, Araújo and Santos; among other authors that expand the discussions about the importance of digital technologies in the teaching process of Libras. The results demonstrate that deaf teachers use technological resources, namely: notebook, adapted and accessible software, videoconference, discussion forum, slides with images, virtual learning environment (VLE), video classes, glossaries, virtual translator, digital dictionary, among others, as influencers in the Libras teaching process, bringing advances in the classroom. We hope with this thesis to contribute to the sharing and reflection on the technological resources for teaching Libras used in the researched institution, in the expectation of including the technologies presented in this research in the composition of a booklet, as a Technology Product, made available by Editora UFRB.

Presidente - 040.773.265-91 - THERESINHA GUIMARAES MIRANDA - UFBA
Externo(a) à Instituição - RITA DE CÁCIA SANTOS SOUZA - UFS
Externo(a) à Instituição - SUSANA COUTO PIMENTEL - UFRB
Externo(a) à Instituição - TEÓFILO ALVES GALVÃO FILHO - UFRB
Externo(a) à Instituição - YGOR CORRÊA - UCS
Notícia cadastrada em: 25/01/2021 13:42
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