Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 20/04/2023
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Virtual



Physical education. Gymnastics Content. Contradictions of bncc. Contradictions of Physical Education DCEs.

PAGES: 162
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

By problematizing the treatment of teaching the Gymnastics content in the Critical-Overcoming Approach, in the face of the contradictions of the educational policies in force in Brazil, we place ourselves in the condition of subjectively and objectively assuming an analysis of the concrete reality of what has been pointed out by the Physical Education policies dealt with in the State Curriculum Guidelines for the Northeast Region of Brazil in the context of the mode of production and reproduction of capital that is expressed in the struggle of antagonistic interests between the fundamental classes of the capitalist social and economic formation, which tends to intensify in the current situation of structural crisis capital world. Considering the determinations of neoliberalism in Brazilian educational policy and the limits imposed on the reality of teaching the Gymnastics content in the initial grades of fundamental education from the BNCC, in view of the contributions of the foundations of Historical-Critical Pedagogy, what is the reality and contradictions of this content in the State Curriculum Guidelines for Physical Education in the Northeast Region of Brazil and what indicators of possibilities for advances can be considered?

In order to methodologically subsidize the investigation and analysis of the documents raised (Base Nacional Comum Curricular and State Curricular Guidelines for Physical Education), we took as a reference, from the studies of the author Laurence Bardin, the content analysis, that is, a group of methodological instruments which perfects where it is possible to apply “discourses” that oscillate between two poles, the content analysis of the rigor of objectivity and the fecundity of subjectivity. (BARDIN, 2016, p. 15) We will objectively understand that document analysis is an operation or a set of operations that aims to represent the content of a document in a form different from the original, facilitating further study, facilitating its consultation and its referencing.

Understanding and explaining the concrete reality about the gymnastics content in elementary education in view of the limits and possibilities of the BNCC and the State Curriculum Guidelines for Physical Education in the Northeast region of Brazil required us to base ourselves on a theoretical, critical, historical, materialist, and dialectical framework, in order to we do not fall into the mere description of the collected data or the construction of idealizations about the process of teaching gymnastics content on the school floor. For this, we chose in this research the following methodological categories: dialectical pair Reality/possibilities, contradictions, concrete totality, and, to develop such methodological categories, in view of the notes of the gymnastics content placed in the BNCC and in the State Curriculum Guidelines for Physical Education, we sought the path traced in the master's research by Alves (2017) and in the studies by Cheptulin (1982) and Kosik (1976).

  In this sense, when raising the documents (Base Nacional Comum Curricular and State Curricular Guidelines for Physical Education) in their raw and primary state, we converted them to their secondary state, where, in a synthetic way, we composed summaries and indexing that allowed the composition of a classification in keywords. In this sense, it should be clarified that the intellectual operation, which made it possible to cut the information, divide it into categories and represent it in condensed form by indexing in the document analysis, followed the same processes in the content analysis, but it is worth highlighting their differences in the process of analysis around the object that we propose to study: In this sense, the procedures adopted in the investigation were developed from 4 phases: 1) survey of documents (Base Nacional Comum Curricular and State Curricular Guidelines for Physical Education) in their raw and primary state , selected after floating reading; 2) Identification of possible content analysis categories through a second, more attentive reading of the material; 3) conversion of documents to their secondary state, where we composed the tables from the categories of content analysis, after a third more analytical reading; 4) reading the data from the charts, aiming at recognizing the main concepts related to each category of content analysis to produce a synthesis of the results found. (BARDIN, 2016, p. 51 - 52)

We found as a hypothesis that the teaching of gymnastics content in Physical Education in the initial grades of elementary school in the Northeast Region exposes limits and contradictions arising from the implementation of the BNCC and the State Curriculum Guidelines for Physical Education, considering the period from 2016 to 2020, in which we identified that the proposal for teaching this content recovers and strengthens the notion of developing skills and abilities implemented in the 1990s by the educational policy of the governments of Collor de Melo and Fernando Henrique Cardoso, whose proposal serves a unilateral human being formation that supports the capitalist mode of production, preventing the full development of the multiple potentialities of the social being; in this way, these documents and curricular guidelines, when proposing general and specific competences for teaching gymnastics content in Physical Education, establish parameters that feed the formation of human beings to meet the logic of the neoliberal market, and in the process of dispute for the formation of subjects in the Brazil, both the BNCC and the State Guidelines assume the formal logic; the analysis of the nine (09) Curricular Guidelines of the northeastern states point to the finding of a proposal for teaching gymnastics in elementary school based on an ahistorical conception, based on a fragmented view of scientific knowledge, which is characterized by a theoretical eclecticism that it is expressed in various currents of thought and approaches to Physical Education; considering the need to overcome the found limits by incorporation, there are possibilities of elaborating a new proposal of BNCC and of State Curriculum Guidelines that can indicate in the teaching of the content of the School Gymnastics, based on fundamentals of a Historical-Critical Educational and Pedagogical theory and in a Critical-Superior Approach to Physical Education, whose bases are referenced in the theory of knowledge of Historical and Dialectical Materialism, which defends an omnilateral human being formation, the dialectical logic, considering the need to raise the standard of the students' body culture , with a view to teaching that meets the historical need for human emancipation of the working class.

Presidente - ***.730.294-** - CELI NELZA ZULKE TAFFAREL - UFBA
Externa ao Programa - ***.509.215-** - KATIA OLIVER DE SA - UFBA
Externa ao Programa - 4298534 - MARIZE SOUZA CARVALHO - nullExterna à Instituição - MÁRCIA MORSCHBACHER - UFSM
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/04/2023 15:50
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