Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 06/07/2020
HORA: 15:00
LOCAL: Plataforma virtual (ZOOM)

Prevalence of sarcopenia and associated factors in institutionalized elderly


Elderly, Nutrition, Sarcopenia, Long-Term Care Facilities.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências da Saúde
ÁREA: Nutrição
SUBÁREA: Análise Nutricional de População

INTRODUCTION: Sarcopenia is a muscle disease characterized by decreased strength, muscle mass and potency and is related to health complications. Elderly people are institutionalized when compared to the elderly in the community, and generally presenting worse health conditions, increased risk for falls, malnutrition, weight loss, recurrent hospitalizations, and have a higher prevalence of sarcopenia compared to the elderly in the community. This study aims to identify the prevalence of sarcopenia according to EWGSOP2 and associated factors in elderly residents in Long-Term Care Facilities. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study with 58 60-year-old seniors or older of both sexes living in three Long-Term Care Facilities, located in two Brazilian cities. The diagnosis of sarcopenia was based on the criteria proposed by the Revised European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People, with the evaluation of strength by hand grip test, muscle mass by calf circumference and muscle performance by gait speed. The factors evaluated in relation to sarcopenia were sociodemographic, clinical and anthropometric data. RESULTS: The prevalence of sarcopenia was 29.3%, increasing with age in both sexes and more markedly in males (p=0.02). There was a moderate negative correlation between age and calf circumference (p<0.01; r= -0.42), indicating that the higher the age the lower the calf circumference and a moderate positive correlation between calf circumference and BMI (p<0.01; r=0.51), showing that the higher the BMI the higher the calf circumference. Dependent elderly had 2.38 more chances of presenting sarcopenia in relation to independent elderly (95%CI=1.07 - 5.30). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of sarcopenia was high among institutionalized elderly people in all age and sex groups. Elderly people with dependence according to functional capacity had a higher chance of presenting sarcopenia when compared to independent elderly people. Sarcopenia can be diagnosed with low cost and easy reproducibility techniques, facilitating the investigation and diagnosis of sarcopenia in Long-Term Care Facilities.

Presidente - 1137078 - LILIAN BARBOSA RAMOS
Interna - 3315542 - RAQUEL ROCHA DOS SANTOS
Externa à Instituição - CAROLINA CUNHA DE OLIVEIRA - UFS
Externa à Instituição - RAQUEL SIMÕES MENDES NETTO
Notícia cadastrada em: 21/07/2021 10:44
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