Building the Cultural Identity in districts of Bahia
Cultural Identity; District; Tradition; Resistance; Arts Teaching.
The article analyzes the project Building the Cultural Identity in districts of Bahia, which promoted actions to students from the public school system who participated as public and cultural producers. The idea came up with the experience lived at the Center for Studies and Improvement of Knowledge, located in the district of Caípe above the city of São Francisco do Conde / BA, considering the social changes that occurred through the new policies, religions and technologies. Based on Ana Mae Barbosa's triangular proposal, on the importance of art as an experience conceptualized by John Dewey and on the geographical vision of Milton Santos, the project suggested the construction of processes through opportunities offered in the school environment that are often not relevant to another environment. The article suggests motivating other teachers to assist in the formation of the cultural identity of students from the public school system located in districts that attend elementary school II, which represents a comprehensive age group in cultural experiences, guiding experiences that can delimit a cultural identity. The article is concerned with traditional values and demonstrates successful experimentation. Considering that aspects generated by globalization influence the formation of cultural identity, he proposes that the school should guide and exhibit elements that strengthen the feeling of belonging of each citizen, to the point of making them beat in the chest and say: “I am my city ! ”.