An (In)Visible College in Brazil: A history of non-linear dynamics narrated by its reearchers
Collective Biography. Invisible College. Diffusion of Knowledge. Brazilian Physics
This research aims to narrate the process of institutionalization of Nonlinear Dynamics in Brazil in light of the physicists' contributions. In this narrative, we seek to answer the following questions: Is there a research front at Nonlinear Dynamics in Brazil? How were researchers able to gain space in departments where research areas were already consolidated? How did they fund this research? How were research groups formed throughout our period? How did the area spread in the academic environment? To answer these questions, we used three methodological strategies, namely: scientometry, oral history and collective biography. Scientometry allowed us to know the characters involved in this story. A search for the Web of Science database was performed, using the keywords, chaos, nonlinear dynamics or complex systems, and applying filters for publications between 1975-2000 and coming from Brazilian institutions. As a result of this search we build a list of the community of researchers of the area in the country. Based on this information, we selected nine of these physicists, who represent different lines of research, as well as different institutions, to conduct interviews based on their life trajectories. An analysis of the testimonies, compared with other sources, allows us to write a collective biography of this group of scientists, where it replaces the individual stories of trajectory families that portray the institutionalization of Nonlinear Dynamics research in the country. In the construction of this narrative, it is concluded that this group of geographically dispersed scientists form an invisible college united by the object of research; whereas the diffusion of the area in the academic field gave more force to the publication of textbooks; that an area would not be revolutionary as predicted by those who experienced the explosion of publications in the area after the 1980s; that adopted methodological strategies act in a complementary way to each other and bring us much closer to understanding the facts.