Educativel curricullum materials; Language games; Mathematical concepts;
Desobjetification; Recontextualization
The present investigation has as a general theme the processes of production of
educative curricullum materials in a professional community of professors who teach
mathematics. Participated from this experience, researchers and/or trainers, professors
who teach mathematics and future teachers, who met periodically in order to elaborate
educative curricullum materials on mathematics whose purpose was to support learning
of teachers . Three objectives guided the course of the investigation: Identify and
describe how mathematicals concept realizations are recontextualized by a community
of teachers who teach mathematics; To analyze how the processes of
recontextualization of texts of the schools “forms of life” reorganize language games of
school mathematics in an educative curricullum material; Describe and characterize a
strategy for the development of educative curricullum materials as a process of
desobjetification of mathematical concepts. In the way of these objectives, the present
research follows a qualitative approach, whose data were produced through
observations and documents. We identified and analyze, inspired by the Wittgensteinian
notions of language games, rules and forms of life, as well as in the notion of
pedagogical recontextualization of Basil Bernstein and the desobjetication of Anne
Sfard, the communications of professors who teach mathematics, when they
participated in discussions with a view to constructing an educativel curricullum
material for the teaching of mathematical concepts. The results suggest that the stages of
development of this material can be described by four interrelated processes:
recontextualization, reverse recontextualization, desobjetification in realizations in the
context and desobjetification in achievements possible . Through the processes of
recontextualization and reverse recontextualization, we describe how teachers displaced
texts from academic and school forms of life for the context of MCE production. This
movement of texts promoted variations in the set of rules that regulate the language
games of school mathematics expressed by the MCE, maintaining specific power and
control relationsover the uses of language in the material produced. In the third and
fourth processes, we describe how teachers established associations between uses of
concepts in different language games and routines that are common in school forms of
life in order to delineate the educational characteristics of MCE. In the desobjetification
in realizations possible, we describe how teachers associated moved realizations of
academic forms of life with the uses and habits established in literature as typical of
school forms of life. In the desobjetification in achievement in the context, teachers
associate the use of words and symbols by specific students, in particular contexts, with
the routines in which students perform to produce mathematical narratives. As
implication, we suggest that the description of such processes shifts the attention of the
MCE production field to the participation of professors in different forms of life as a
reference for the development of MCE, overcoming a tendency of the MCE developers
to establish the educative characteristics from theoretical categories derived from the
theories of knowledge. Finally, we point out that such a description allows greater
visibility of researchers and professors to communications in the classroom as a
structuring of the educative characteristics in the texts of the MCE, constituting also a
viable methodology for the development of this type of curricular material.