Electricity sector, carbon pricing, GHG emissions, GHG inventory, Brazil.
The Paris Agreement was an important step towards the transition to a low carbon economy.
However, its implementation implies a change in the economic model of the countries that
have ratified the agreement. Therefore, carbon pricing is one of the most effective strategies
to combat climate change and contribute to achieving the goals set. Adoption of carbon
pricing initiatives, including cap-and-trade systems, carbon taxes and domestic pricing has
increased approximately five-fold over the last four years. Currently, 40 national governments
and 25 regional governments adopt a carbon tax, ranging from US$1 to US$140/tCO2e.
While carbon prices internally adopted by 517 global corporations in the investment decisionmaking
process range from US$1 to US$357/tCO2e. According to the United Nations Global
Compact, the average prices adopted are not high enough to keep warming below 2°C. The
UNGC recommends using the carbon price of US$100/tCO2e. Considering this context and
the electricity sector importance in the economy decarbonization, this research analyzes the
impacts of internalization of GHG emissions of an electric energy distributor upon its
economic result as well as on its electric energy tariff. In order to pursue it, a case study was
carried out at the Electric Power Company of the State of Bahia (Coelba), with the
construction of the GHG inventory of its activities, and subsequent internalization of
emissions estimated from simulations carried out in the economic planning model utilized by
the company. The analysis was based on the polluter-pays principle, under the responsibility
of the producer and the consumer, as well as the regulation of the Brazilian electricity sector,
adopting differentiated prices to establish comparative scenarios. The study shows that for an
increase of R$1.51 in carbon price, net profit decreases by 1%, and for an increase of R$17.24
in carbon price, electric energy tariff increases by 1%. Therefore, it is concluded that the
economic result of the company is more sensitive to carbon internalization than the electricity
tariff. However, depending on the carbon price adopted, the impacts can be significant on
both. It is important that companies insert emissions risk analysis for decision-making in their
governance model. In an aligned way, it is suggested that consumers adopt demand
management mechanisms in order to know their consumption pattern. Once these actions are
taken, companies and consumers will more easily adapt to future regulations as well as likely
changes in electricity tariffs.