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DATA : 30/06/2023
HORA: 08:30
LOCAL: Remoto (IC)

Although Software Product Lines (SPL) offer the potential for order-of-magnitude improvements in software engineering performance, the up-front cost, level of effort, assumed risk, and latency required to make the transition to SPL are prohibitive adoption barriers for many organizations that could otherwise benefit from reusing of their existing systems. The SPL adoption from an extractive model based on a reengineering process of existing systems into SPL is an active research topic with tangible benefits in practice. It allows software development companies to preserve their investment and aggregate knowledge obtained while developing their individually developed systems portfolio. 


Despite these benefits, adopting an extractive product line approach still requires a considerable upfront investment and is more complex to evolve than one-off systems. Because of these drawbacks, software companies refrain from adopting SPL, resorting to an ad-hoc practice of clone-and-own. To speed the conversion to and maintenance of SPL, we present FOUNDRY, a Software Transplantation (ST) approach that guides transplanting and merging features in a product line from existing systems. It is the first approach for SPL that automates all stages of product line construction using the ST technique. We realized Foundry in a software transplantation tool for SPL that automates identifying, adapting, and transferring features from existing systems to a standard product base. Its code transfer mechanism between different systems allows it to be used not only for generating product lines but also as an alternative to the clone-and-own technique for system specialization. We compared our proposal with the existing reengineering solutions to demonstrate evidence that the ST is an alternative with the potential for application in reengineering existing systems to SPL. In the search for more concrete evidence, we evaluated two case studies where two products were generated by transplanting features from three real-world systems.


Moreover, we experimented with comparing Foundry’s feature migration with manual effort. We show that Foundry automatically migrated features across codebases 4.8 times faster, on average, than the average time a group of SPL experts took to accomplish the task. Although preliminary, our evaluation provides evidence to support the claim that ST for Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) is a feasible and promising new research direction.


software product lines, software tranplantation, reengineering, empirical study


Although Software Product Lines (SPL) offer the potential for order-of-magnitude improvements in software engineering performance, the up-front cost, level of effort, assumed risk, and latency required to make the transition to SPL are prohibitive adoption barriers for many organizations that could otherwise benefit from reusing of their existing systems. The SPL adoption from an extractive model based on a reengineering process of existing systems into SPL is an active research topic with tangible benefits in practice. It allows software development companies to preserve their investment and aggregate knowledge obtained while developing their individually developed systems portfolio. 


Despite these benefits, adopting an extractive product line approach still requires a considerable upfront investment and is more complex to evolve than one-off systems. Because of these drawbacks, software companies refrain from adopting SPL, resorting to an ad-hoc practice of clone-and-own. To speed the conversion to and maintenance of SPL, we present FOUNDRY, a Software Transplantation (ST) approach that guides transplanting and merging features in a product line from existing systems. It is the first approach for SPL that automates all stages of product line construction using the ST technique. We realized Foundry in a software transplantation tool for SPL that automates identifying, adapting, and transferring features from existing systems to a standard product base. Its code transfer mechanism between different systems allows it to be used not only for generating product lines but also as an alternative to the clone-and-own technique for system specialization. We compared our proposal with the existing reengineering solutions to demonstrate evidence that the ST is an alternative with the potential for application in reengineering existing systems to SPL. In the search for more concrete evidence, we evaluated two case studies where two products were generated by transplanting features from three real-world systems.


Moreover, we experimented with comparing Foundry’s feature migration with manual effort. We show that Foundry automatically migrated features across codebases 4.8 times faster, on average, than the average time a group of SPL experts took to accomplish the task. Although preliminary, our evaluation provides evidence to support the claim that ST for Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) is a feasible and promising new research direction.

Presidente - 1708936 - EDUARDO SANTANA DE ALMEIDA
Externo ao Programa - 2973264 - RODRIGO ROCHA GOMES E SOUZA - UFBAExterno à Instituição - GUSTAVO HENRIQUE LIMA PINTO - UFPA
Externo à Instituição - LEOPOLDO MOTTA TEIXEIRA - UFPE
Notícia cadastrada em: 09/06/2023 07:33
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